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EEX 3rd Anniversary of Japanese Power Launch

On June 7, the European Energy Exchange (EEX) held an event in Tokyo to celebrate the third anniversary of the launch of its Japanese power futures clearing business. The event started with a workshop featuring several presentations, and was followed by a reception with around 200 industry professional in attendance.

During the workshop, EEX highlighted the recent boom in its trading volume and also discussed its plans to extend maturities in its monthly contracts (from 6 months to 9 months ahead, in addition to the current month) as well as the launch of daily and weekend futures to complete its product offering, all to be available from June 26 to the end of June.

In addition to a guest speaker from METI, Director Kitamura of the Commodity Market Office, Tohoku Electric Power Company Managing Executive Officer Hijikata also delivered a speech that struck a chord with many participants (click below to download his speech).

Also, EEX Chief Operating Officer Steffen Koehler flew in especially for the occasion and to meet EEX customers in person (his opening remarks can be found below).



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