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Greenberg Traurig Tokyo Law Offices

Quantum Computing and the future of Capital Markets

What can we expect when Quantum Computing gets accessible to Capital Markets participants?

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Quantum Computing and the future of Capital Markets
Quantum Computing and the future of Capital Markets

Time & Location

2019年11月26日 18:00 – 19:30

Greenberg Traurig Tokyo Law Offices, Meiji Yasuda Seimei Building 14F, 2-1-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo / 東京都千代田区丸の内2-1-1 明治安田生命ビル14階

About the event

On behalf of FIA Japan Technology Committee, it is our great privilege to cordially invite you to attend a seminar introducing Quantum Computing technologies and presenting why these technologies are expected to revolutionize the Capital Market Industry in a not-so distant future.

Our seminar designed for Capital Market professionals curious about “Deep Tech” will include an introduction to Quantum Computing technologies in simple terms, insights on the anticipated timeline for Quantum Computing adoption in the Financial Services Industry and its expected impacts, as well as a presentation of sample research cases applied to Capital Markets.

Language - English Only

FIA Japan members: free, non-members: JPY 1,500 - Payable at the door

拝啓 向寒の候、皆様におかれましては益々のご繁栄のこととお喜び申し上げます。

 この度 FIA Japanテクノロジー‧コミッティ主催のセミナー”Quantum Computing and the future of Capital Markers“を下記の通り開催致しますのでご案内申し上げます。当セミナーではQuantum Computingテクノロジーのご紹介、金融業界の効果的な導入方法などをレクチャーさせて頂きます。

ご多忙中恐縮でございますが ご臨席賜れば幸甚でございます。


参加費:FIA Japan会員 無料、FAI Japan非会員 1,500円(当日現金にてお支払い下さい。)

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