Below are currently active committees. They provide the study and recommendations for many of the Board's key initiatives. In addition, task force teams are organized to focus on issues that arise from time-to-time during the year and prepare reports for distribution to members and others.
We welcome all of our members to join a committee that you may have interest in. Please contact us here if you are interested.
下記の委員会が現在活動中です。委員会は理事会の重要な決定のための調査や提言を行います。 委員会に加えて、期中に発生する情報に焦点をあて、意見書を取りまとめるタスクフォースが結成されます。
Mitsuhiro Onosato - 小野里 光博
To promote the development of global derivatives exchanges to form fair international commodity prices and provide a risk hedge function in order to contribute to the expansion of exchange-traded commodity futures.
Richard Clairmont - リチャード・クレアモント
The FIA Japan Executive Committee is appointed by the Board of Directors of FIA Japan to act on behalf of the Board of Directors of FIA Japan in the handling of any matters, which in the opinion of the Chairman of the Board, should not be postponed until the next meeting of the Board of Directors.
Editorial Board/編集委員会
Tony Crane - クレーン・トニー
The Editorial Board (EB) publishes on the FIAJ website bilingual news relevant to both financial & commodity futures in Japan and includes topics on the various players involved in our industry
編集委員会は、FIAジャパンのウェブサイトで、日本の金融・商品先物に関連するニュースをバイリンガルで発信し、業界に関わる様々なプレーヤー(規制当局、取引所、協会、テクノロジー企業、先物 取引業者(FCM)・証券会社など)に関するトピックを掲載しています。
International Financial Center Committee/国際金融センター委員会
Hiroki Tomiyasu - 富安 弘毅
The International Financial Center Committee works with regulators and various organizations to supports initiatives to make Japan an important international financial hub.
By leveraging FIAJ’s broad membership and expertise in futures products, we look to contribute to the development of the Japanese financial industry and enhance the presence of Japan in the global financial community.
Legal and Compliance/法制度委員会
Koichiro Ohashi - 大橋 宏一郎
This committee discusses any issues with respect to laws and regulations in connection with financial and derivatives products/markets. We welcome submission of any issues and problems that FIAJ members may be facing, so that we can discuss with the regulators accordingly and receive guidance on said issues and problems.
Market Development/市場促進委員会
Chika Nakamura - 中村 愛
The Market Development Committee’s (MDC) mission is to tackle issues to help develop and grow the financial markets in Japan, including listed derivatives and any other financial product that directly or indirectly impacts trading of futures and options (F&O).
Yoko Seki - 関 陽子
The Membership Committee promotes and maintain FIA Japans membership. It seeks potential members, supporting the application process proposes reviewed applications to the Board.
Shun Yanagisawa - 柳沢 俊
The Operations Committee focuses on the trading and clearing operational aspects of exchange-traded listed derivatives and centrally cleared derivatives.
Christopher Laird - クリス・レアード
The FIA Japan Technology Committee mission consists essentially in educating and providing thought leadership on how technology advancements can better serve, support or even transform the financial services industry businesses in Japan.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Working Group/DEI ( 多様性、公平性、包括性) ワーキンググループ
Shun Yanagisawa - 柳沢 俊
FIA Japan strongly believes in the importance of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in the workplace and works to support and celebrate diverse voices both within our association and the derivatives industry at large.
In 2023, we created a DEI working group under the Nominating Committee, to foster a culture of inclusion and facilitate diversity and equality in the industry.
Within the DEI WG, we will take both a qualitative and quantitative approach to assess the implementation of DEI within the FIA Japan organization.
FIAジャパンは、職場におけるDEI、多様性(ダイバーシティ)、公平性(エクイティ)&(包括性) インクルージョンの重要性を強く信じており、協会とデリバティブ業界全体の多様な声を支援し、称賛するよう努めています。
DEI ワーキンググループでは、定性的および定量的アプローチをもってFIAジャパンにおけるDEIの実施を評価していきます。