Market Research of Mechanisms to Improve Participation and Activity in Japanese Financial Markets
Since 2010 the Japanese financial markets have evolved considerably. Both in terms of re-organisation (actual and suggested mergers), and 'upgrading' of technology and infrastructure. Following these changes, FIA Japan began to develop a series of suggestions to improve the efficiency and participation in the Japan markets.
The areas of focus included Co-location Services/ Networks, Matching Engines and Clearing, but also include rules, regulation and business practice. As the suggestions were developed, they were discussed directly with the representatives from every segment of the market (exchanges, brokers, technology firms, investors, etc). Those representatives participated in this process over the past year and a half and provided feedback.
As a result of this process, some of the suggestions made by FIA Japan have already been implemented by participants in the Japanese markets. A summary of the suggestions made over this period are presented in the report - “Market Research of Mechanisms to Improve Participation and Activity in Japanese Financial Markets“.
Sean Lawrence, serving as Chairman of our Financial Instruments Committee, coordinated market research efforts with the Technology Committee and the Comprehensive Exchange Committee of FIA Japan.
Together they gathered input from Japanese and foreign brokers, exchanges and financial industry technology companies. The views of these direct market participants also include input from certain of their clients who invest in Japan. As such, the ideas presented here are a fair, balanced and representative view of opinion.
2010年以降、組織の再編成(実際の合併および提案を含む)、テクノロジーとインフラの”アップグレード”の両方において、日本の金融市場は大幅に進化してきました。こうした変化を受けて、 FIAジャパンは日本市場における効率性と市場参加を向上するために一連の提案を検討し発信してきました。
そのため FIAジャパンが行った提案の中には既に日本市場の参加者によって実施されているものもあります。この期間に行われた提案の概要は、報告書「日本の金融市場への参加と市場活性化を改善するメカニズムの市場調査」に示されています。