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FIA Japan Domestic Non-Clearing Member Questionnaire

1. What is your firm’s primary business activity?

*  Indicates a required response

2. How many office locations does your firm have in the Asia Pacific region?
3. What are your firm’s primary reasons for opening an office in a new location? Select (up to 3 reasons) from:
4. What has thus far prevented your firm from opening an office in Japan? Select (up to 3 reasons) from:
5. If these issues were to be solved how likely is it that you would open an office in Japan?
7. If you would open an office, which city would you prefer:
8. If your firm was to open an office in Japan, which activity would you most likely be conducting within Japan? ( Select all that apply)
9. If you were to conduct Trading from an office in Japan on a domestic Exchange, would you prefer to:

If you would be willing to have us contact you regarding your responses, please add your details below:

Thank you for submitting the survey response

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