On October 3, FIA Japan held its “Autumn Networking Event” at the International House of Japan as the first in-person event organized in two-and-a-half years. Over 80 people from the industry attended the reception, including senior officials from the Ministry of Finance (MOF), Financial Services Agency (FSA) and exchanges, networking with new faces and reuniting with familiar faces in a friendly atmosphere.

In his opening remarks, Chairman Chip Clairmont mentioned that FIAJ managed to still be very active in these past two years through online meetings, achieving some of the key objectives that were set out in our strategy for fiscal years 2020 and 2021. He encouraged FIAJ members and committee participants to continue to collaborate towards our common goal to further develop the Japanese financial markets.

World-renowned Japan strategist/economist Jesper Koll also kindly
joined us as our Guest Speaker. Mr. Koll shared his expectations for the Japanese business environment, centering his in-depth analysis around the key “ABC factors” (i.e: America, Business and China).
Going forward, FIAJ will resume its regular physical events, such as the New Year Party and AGM reception, working towards further developing the market and offering networking opportunities to industry players.